Interview questions

Senior .NET Developer

Here is a set of Senior .NET Developer interview questions that can aid in identifying the most qualified candidates possessing iOS development skills, suitable for developing mobile applications.

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A Senior .NET Developer is a highly experienced and proficient professional specializing in Microsoft's .NET framework. They possess a deep understanding of C# programming language, ASP.NET, and other related technologies. Senior .NET Developers play a key role in designing, developing, and maintaining robust and scalable web applications and software solutions. Their expertise extends to database integration, API development, and implementing best practices in software development. With their extensive knowledge and problem-solving abilities, Senior .NET Developers contribute significantly to the success of complex and mission-critical projects.


Explain the difference between .NET Framework and .NET Core. When would you choose one over the other?

The candidate should describe that .NET Framework is mainly used for Windows-based applications, while .NET Core is cross-platform and suitable for modern web applications and microservices.

Can you discuss the benefits of using asynchronous programming with async/await in C#? When is it appropriate to use async/await?

The candidate should explain that asynchronous programming improves application responsiveness and scalability, particularly in I/O-bound operations, but it's crucial to use it judiciously to avoid unnecessary complexity.

How do you handle memory management and optimize performance in a .NET application?

The candidate should discuss the use of garbage collection, memory profiling, and optimizing algorithms and data structures to enhance performance.

Can you explain the concept of Dependency Injection in .NET and its significance in software design?

The candidate should define Dependency Injection as a technique for injecting dependencies into a class from outside, promoting loose coupling and maintainability.

Describe your experience with ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API. How do you ensure security and performance in these frameworks?

The candidate should discuss techniques such as data validation, authentication, and caching to enhance security and performance in ASP.NET MVC and Web API.

How do you ensure code reusability and maintainability in large-scale .NET projects?

The candidate should discuss practices like modularization, adhering to coding standards, and creating reusable components or libraries.

Describe your approach to version control using Git in collaborative .NET development projects. How do you handle merge conflicts?

The candidate should explain branching strategies, pull requests, and resolving merge conflicts to ensure smooth collaboration with Git.

Can you discuss your experience with Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) in .NET projects?

The candidate should explain the importance of unit testing, using testing frameworks like NUnit or MSTest, and following TDD principles.

How do you handle third-party API integrations in .NET applications, and what measures do you take to handle potential failures or exceptions?

The candidate should discuss error handling, retry mechanisms, and logging to ensure resilience in API integrations.

Describe your process of optimizing database queries and ensuring efficient data retrieval in .NET applications.

The candidate should discuss database indexing, query optimization techniques, and reducing round trips to enhance data access speed.

Describe a complex .NET project you worked on. How did you approach the project's architecture and design decisions?

The candidate should showcase their ability to understand project requirements, design scalable solutions, and make informed architectural decisions.

Can you share an example of a time when you had to mentor or guide junior developers in a team? How did you ensure their growth and development?

The candidate should discuss their mentoring approach, providing constructive feedback, and encouraging knowledge sharing.

How do you handle situations when project requirements change frequently? How do you manage scope creep and maintain project timelines?

The candidate should discuss their agile mindset, adapting to changes, and communicating effectively with stakeholders to manage project scope.

Describe a time when you had to troubleshoot a critical production issue in a .NET application. How did you handle the situation?

The candidate should showcase their problem-solving skills, remaining composed under pressure, and coordinating with teams for quick resolution.

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the .NET ecosystem and ensure continuous learning?

The candidate should discuss their participation in developer communities, attending tech conferences, and reading industry publications.