A Guide to Control Statements in PHP

a blue background with white text and blue square with white text

Control statements are vital to PHP programming as they control the code execution flow. As PHP is also a programming language, this article provides a comprehensive guide on control statements in PHP.

Overview of Control Statements

Control statements alter the flow of code execution based on certain conditions. There are three types of control statements in PHP:

  • Conditional Statements: These statements execute a block of code based on certain conditions.
  • Loop Statements: These statements are used to execute a block of code repeatedly based on certain conditions.
  • Jump Statements: These statements transfer control to another part of the code.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements execute a code block based on certain conditions. There are two types of conditional statements in PHP:

If...Else Statements

The if...else statement executes a block of code if a condition is true and another block if the condition is false.

vbnet code
if (condition) {
// code to be executed if condition is true
} else {
// code to be executed if condition is false

Switch Statements

The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on various conditions.

arduino code
switch (n) {
case value1:
// code to be executed if n = value1
case value2:
// code to be executed if n = value2
// code to be executed if n is different from both value1 and value2

a blue background with white text and blue square with white text

Loop Statements

Loop statements execute a block of code repeatedly based on certain conditions. There are four types of loop statements in PHP.

For Loops

The for loop executes a code block a specific number of times.

css code
for (initialization; condition; increment) {
// code to be executed

While Loops

The while loop executes a code block if the condition is true.

arduino code
while (condition) {
// code to be executed

Do...While Loops

The do...while loop executes a block of code at least once and then repeats the loop as long as the condition is true.

arduino code
do {
// code to be executed
} while (condition);

Foreach Loops

The foreach loop is used to loop through each element of an array.

php code
foreach ($array as $value) {
// code to be executed

Jump Statements

Jump statements are used to transfer control to another part of the code. There are three types of jump statements in PHP:

Break Statements

The break statement is used to terminate a loop or a switch statement.

kotlin code

Continue Statements

The continue statement is used to skip the current iteration of a loop.

kotlin code

Goto Statements

The goto statement is used to transfer control to a labeled statement.

arduino code
goto label;


In conclusion, control statements are a vital aspect of PHP programming. This article provided an exhaustive guide on control statements in PHP. A clear understanding of the concept can let you write efficient and effective PHP code.