7 Ultimate tips while onboarding remote employees

a group of lollipops and letters on a pink background

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer

Disruptions are challenges but if we are willing to embrace those challenges they become opportunities. Right now COVID19 is not only a health pandemic it is also an economic Pandemic. This crisis made us shift from traditional work cultures to remote work culture. Hiring and managing remote work requires two important aspects.

Project management skills and expertise of an employee in that particular domain. Remote work policy might become a norm in the coming future days because disruptions are inevitable. No one Imagined that almost a quarter population would be locked down. Remote work policies are not new they are evolving for a long time.

The following statistics are given by Flexjobs regarding the growth in remote work culture. This data is the testimony about the future of remote work.

Remote work requires good talent to realize the product vision of firms. True talent is rare without proper standard operating procedures in the recruitment process that cannot be realized. After surveying many remote policies and with my practical knowledge I came up with seven ultimate tips while onboarding remote employees.

Be the Brand

A good talented pool always wants to be part of great firms. If you want to recruit a creamy layer of a particular field or a particular technology, project yourself as a brand in that particular space.

Zappos is an online shoe and clothing retailer, they always believe "your brand is your culture". If we look with a behavioral economics perspective, in general people always look for something popular. This kind of projection will bring diversity in the candidates who are approaching to your firm for a job. Firms that are aloof of traditional work are preferred by talented people.

Hyno's work culture is so dynamic and so flexible it attracts young talent who are innovative.

Gold Mines or Coal Mines

I'm not asking you to look for gold mines, I'm advising you to look good platforms which have limited subscription or having real talent pool.Many platforms are home for subpar talent. A posting job notification on Facebook or any social media is like looking for gold in coal mines. Custom software development and any other product development requires real talent.

We must learn who is Gold and who is Gold Plated

Fake is the latest trend, everyone seems to be in style. Be aware of this while mining your applicant's repository.

Conducting any preliminary filtering aptitude test to the candidates who are applying for the job would work to scrap out unwanted profiles. Goldman Sachs uses aptitude tests to filter applicants.

Aptitude tests are testimony of cognitive skills, Make sure that all the aptitude questions must be real-time problems of your firm so that it brings out the talent required.

The test

Use industrially tested methodologies to choose the candidates because tests are the testimony of the candidates' skill set. You are choosing a War Horse who can make realize your product vision. After surveying many methodologies I found, there must be at least two levels in any recruiting process and that two steps must test the knowledge and application level of the candidates.

Sometimes you will be in the assumption that you are recruiting candidates who have sound knowledge in their domain if it misfires candidates make you sound more in communication.

Knowledge tests and application tests must be relevant to your product development and they must test the real-time knowledge of the candidate. Hyno maintains a repository of questions that are so application-oriented and tests talent in a short span and the recruiting process is so realistic.

Found abundant Gold?

Talent is abundant because people are having enough platforms like Udemy to enhance their skills. Real talent is rare which requires much patience to find them. If you are in deadlock situation after getting many good profiles. Then look for the other skills which are essential to be a remote employee.

Good communication, speed response, and documentation skills are essential for a remote employee. These skills help you to have clear cut communication so that candidates will know, what you are looking for. Check out how good he or she is responding to your emails or calls. Remote work without quick response, projects get delayed and brings inertia in the product development. If that situation comes

"Then your fury is the thing to behold"

Why Probation?

No, any recruitment process is flawless. It would be better to recruit a candidate for conditions. Meanwhile, this helps the candidate to adapt to your work culture. Creating a " Virtual internal portal" would solve your problem.

The virtual Internal portal must contain all interactive videos and details about the staff. This works as a guide for an employee who newly recruited. Through this candidate will assimilate with your work culture. They are especially helpful for the product, web, and mobile application development firms. Make sure that you are using high secure servers and which are immune from data thefts and other sabotage.

Hyno has an internal portal which helpful for all the onboarded new employees. With less communication, we are interacting more with the candidate. In Hyno internal portal all live team interaction is the norm with the newly recruited employee.

Be Generous Employer

Being a generous employer makes your employees responsible. The remote model is so cost saving for an employer in terms of real estate and office infrastructure. Facilitating some basic infrastructure to an employee will increase the productivity of an employee. This basic infrastructure must create comfort for an employee at their space.

Hyno is so Generous towards an employee. This characteristic of Hyno changed our employee's perception of their roles. They always work with commitment because of the generosity showing by Hyno.

If you are a Good employer and If you have a dynamic work culture. Some day Your talent hired becomes Genius.

final thought

a grey symbol with curved lines"Talent hunt is not an easy job.It requires talent to do that job.Hyno has expertise in this domainWith almost 90 to 100 percent retention. All employees want to be part of something Best instead of something big" a grey symbol with curved lines

by Dinesh Chandra

final thought

a grey symbol with curved linesTalent hunt is not an easy job.It requires talent to do that job.Hyno has expertise in this domainWith almost 90 to 100 percent retention. All employees want to be part of something Best instead of something big a grey symbol with curved lines

by Pabbu Dinesh Chandra